A Refreshing Change at Helsinki Airport: Carry-On Liquids Limit Increased to 2 Litres!

Flights from Helsinki

Starting from Wednesday 28.06.23, all passengers departing from Helsinki Airport are allowed to take up to two litres of liquids in their hand luggage. That’s right, the standard 100 ml limit has been significantly expanded, and this major upgrade is sure to make your travel experience smoother and more flexible.

Why the sudden change, you might wonder? The answer lies in the airport’s sophisticated new luggage scanners. In a technological advancement aimed at enhancing the passenger experience, Helsinki’s national airport operator, Finavia, has spent the past year installing these modern machines. Unlike the older scanners, these don’t require passengers to separate and remove items like liquids and electronic devices from their bags. That’s a sigh of relief for all of us who’ve hustled to unpack and repack at the security checkpoint.

The scanners, based on innovative computed tomography technology, have been in place at Helsinki Airport since last summer. With eight of these devices installed last year and two more added this summer, the new security control equipment promises to make the process more streamlined. And the most significant outcome? The ability to carry larger liquid containers in your hand baggage.

This rule is not just for water or other drinks. It also applies to liquid medicines, baby food, and other dietary liquids that passengers need during their flights. As we all know, hydration and having necessary personal items close at hand is crucial, especially during long-haul flights.

This advanced technology is only used at a limited number of European and US airports. So, this new development puts Helsinki Airport at the forefront of passenger-focused airport innovation.

But before you get too excited, it’s important to note that the 100 ml liquid rule still applies at the rest of Finland’s regional airports and most airports around the world. So, when returning from your Finnish adventure, remember to check the liquid restrictions at your departure airport.

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