Discover wonderful Albania: Vilnius to Tirana from €159
Looking for a unique and off-the-beaten-path travel destination? Consider a trip to Albania, a hidden gem of the Balkans. And the best part? You can get there from Vilnius to Tirana for as low as €159 and average hotel in the most popular beach town, Sarande will cost you only €148 p.p. for 1 week!
Time Period
May – October 2023
Example dates
Vilnius to Tirana
03.05 – 10.05.23 €159 Austrian
17.09 – 27.09.23 €184 Austrian
20.09 – 27.09.23 €159 Austrian
27.09 – 04.10.23 €159 Austrian
Riga to Tirana
17.05 – 23.05.23 €154 Lufthansa
Tallinn to Tirana
Ticket type
Economy, return
from €159
* is not a travel agency, but we rigorously verify all of our deals to ensure their availability. However, please keep in mind that with such sought-after offers, changes occur frequently. Airlines adjust flight prices, hotels sell out, and currency exchange rates fluctuate. Due to high demand, the best deals and cheap tickets won’t be available for long. But don’t worry, we are constantly working to bring you even more fantastic deals. Follow our Facebook page so you don’t miss next time.