Affordable flights Stockholm to Washington or Boston from €259


Currently FLY PLAY offers cheap tickets for flights from Stockholm to Boston or Washington, D.C. from €259.


Time Period

April – May, September – October 2023

Example dates

Flights Stockholm to Boston

19.04 – 25.04.23 €271

01.05 – 07.05.23 €271

22.05 – 30.05.23 €307

15.09 – 23.09.23 €266

06.10 – 15.10.23 €266

Flights Stockholm to Washington, D.C.

23.04 – 30.04.23 €278

30.04 – 07.05.23 €272

21.05 – 30.05.23 €305

13.09 – 19.09.23 €279

01.10 – 08.10.23 €279

20.10 – 26.10.23 €259



Ticket type

Return, basic


from €259

* is not a travel agency, but we rigorously verify all of our deals to ensure their availability. However, please keep in mind that with such sought-after offers, changes occur frequently. Airlines adjust flight prices, hotels sell out, and currency exchange rates fluctuate. Due to high demand, the best deals and cheap tickets won’t be available for long. But don’t worry, we are constantly working to bring you even more fantastic deals. Follow our Facebook page so you don’t miss next time.

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