Return flights from Riga to Canada for €342


Air Baltic and Condor have another flight deal from Riga to Canada. In September-October, you can secure return flights to either Toronto or Halifax from Riga for just €342.

Riga Halifax flights
Riga Toronto flights

See below for example dates and check if anything suits your travel plans. Note that the best price was found at the Norwegian version of Momondo – Most likely you’ll be redirected to the version in your native language, so you can change the language on the website from the top right corner. Read our article about booking with Scandinavian companies.

🏨 Accommodation

Use to book your accommodation in Canada.

🚗 Car rental

We encourage you to book your car at – the service that we love and use ourselves. Also check out our tips about renting a car.

Check your own dates in the form below:

📝Flight details

🛫 Airline

Air Baltic / Concord

📅 Example dates for return flights from Riga to Canada

Riga – Toronto

Ticket prices for the dates below are in the range of €342 – €349

Riga – Halifax (YHZ)

Ticket prices for the dates below are in the range of €343 – €346

Book your flights at (Norwegian version), where we found the best price. Most likely you’ll be redirected to the version in your native language, so you can change the language on the website from the top right corner.

Momondo not only offers great prices than anywhere else, but it also allows you to compare rates and book directly with the airlines, if you wish.

*** is not a travel agency, but we rigorously verify all of our deals to ensure their availability. However, please keep in mind that with such sought-after offers, changes occur frequently. Airlines adjust flight prices, hotels sell out, and currency exchange rates fluctuate. Due to high demand, the best deals and cheap tickets won’t be available for long. But don’t worry, we are constantly working to bring you even more fantastic deals. Follow our Facebook page so you don’t miss next time.

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